Moments in time

We mark our days in moments,

the seconds that slip away,

the hours that seem to drag on,

the memories that stay.

A first kiss in the rain,

a sunset on the shore,

a smile from a stranger,

a love we can't ignore.

These are the moments in time,

that shape us and define,

the people that we become,

and the life we design.

So cherish every second,

for they won't come again,

make every moment count,

and let your heart feel the strain.

For life is but a fleeting thing,

a breath that's quickly gone,

but in the moments that we share,

our love will carry on.

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Najib Hossain

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Najib Hossain

Born with a pen in hand and a wild imagination, I have been crafting stories since childhood. With a passion for words and a love of storytelling, I weaves together tales that transport readers to other worlds, inviting them to explore the magic and mystery of the human experience. From the fantastical to the everyday, my writing is infused with humor, heart, and a deep appreciation for the power of words to connect us all.