O Syria, your land trembles once again, As quaking shocks disrupt your fragile peace, Your ancient ruins rattle, cry in pain, As nature's wrath causes destruction's increase.
And Turkey too, your people's cries resound, As Mother Earth unleashes her fierce might, Your cities crumble, rubble on the ground, As day turns into darkness, hope takes flight.
But in this darkest hour, we find a way, To reach across the borders, join our hands, Together we will mend and heal, we pray, And help rebuild these shaken, shattered lands.
O Syria, Turkey, know that you're not alone, For we will stand with you, until you're whole.
Together, we can make a positive difference in our community and help those who are struggling to find hope and support !
Also your support will help me to keep up the good work and earn some for my family.
Born with a pen in hand and a wild imagination, I have been crafting stories since childhood. With a passion for words and a love of storytelling, I weaves together tales that transport readers to other worlds, inviting them to explore the magic and mystery of the human experience. From the fantastical to the everyday, my writing is infused with humor, heart, and a deep appreciation for the power of words to connect us all.
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