A Glimpse of Love

In a moment so fleeting,

Our eyes met in the air,

A love so pure and unending,

A feeling beyond compare.

The way her eyes twinkled,

A smile that lit up her face,

My heart raced and I chuckled,

As I stood in that wondrous place.

With each passing moment,

My love for her grew more,

I was smitten and content,

To have seen her like never before.

The world stopped in its tracks,

As we exchanged a tender glance,

The feeling of love so exact,

In that moment, there was no chance.

For it was love at first sight,

A moment of pure delight,

And though it may seem surreal,

It was the beginning of something real.

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Najib Hossain

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Najib Hossain

Born with a pen in hand and a wild imagination, I have been crafting stories since childhood. With a passion for words and a love of storytelling, I weaves together tales that transport readers to other worlds, inviting them to explore the magic and mystery of the human experience. From the fantastical to the everyday, my writing is infused with humor, heart, and a deep appreciation for the power of words to connect us all.